Tag: new energy news


Is the power grid too big?

Some 90 years ago, British polymath J.B.S. Haldane proposed that for every animal there is an optimal size — one which allows it to make best use of its environment and the physical laws that govern its activities, whether hiding, hunting, hoofing or hibernating. Today, three researchers are asking whether there is a “right” size for another type of huge

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Plug Plots Path From Forklifts to Trucks for Fuel Cells

Plug Power Inc., the best performer on the Nasdaq, is looking for new markets where its fuel cells can take on fossil fuels. First on the list: refrigerated delivery trucks and airport support vehicles. The company expects this year to report its first profit since its initial public offering in 1999 as sales grow for its fuel cell-powered forklifts. Forklifts

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Tesla Plans Model S Corporate Leases With New Finance Arm

Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA), a year after creating a lease-style program for its Model S electric sedan, is setting up a financing arm targeting corporate buyers of the premium battery-powered vehicle. Small and medium-sized businesses will be able to calculate the cost of leasing as they configure the car on Tesla’s website, the Palo Alto, California-based company said today in

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Plane Hunt Fails to Replicate Signal as Search Narrows

Ships combing the Indian Ocean for a missing Malaysian Air jet failed to detect new pings that might point the way to the jet’s flight recorders, as investigators narrowed the search area by almost two-thirds. Australia’s Ocean Shield heard no more sounds after picking up signals this weekend, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre said today. Detecting pulses consistent with transmissions

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Tesla to Fix Model S With Battery Shield to Prevent Fires

Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) said it will add battery shields underneath its Model S electric-powered sedans as U.S. regulators ended a four-month investigation into fires that occurred after the cars struck road debris. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said “a defect trend has not been identified” and that Tesla’s fixes should be enough to reduce the fire risk. Tesla

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AES Plans 100-Megawatt Northern Ireland Power-Storage Project

AES Corp. (AES) said it’s planning to build 100 megawatts of battery capacity in Northern Ireland to store excess wind power and release it when generation is low. The battery array would be built at the company’s Kilroot power station, northeast of Belfast, AES said in a statement yesterday. The Arlington, Virginia-based company applied to the System Operator of Northern

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Tesla Fights New Jersey Ban on Direct Car Sales in Court

Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) appealed New Jersey’s ban on direct auto sales, arguing that the decision thwarts the carmaker’s mission of providing sustainable transportation and unfairly favors entrenched franchise dealers. The action comes as Elon Musk, Tesla’s chief executive officer and co-founder, fights with car dealer groups across the U.S. to let the Palo Alto, California-based maker of electric Model

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Japan Policy Stops Short of Setting Clean Energy Targets

The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s final version of a draft energy report reinforces atomic power’s role in the country’s future and falls short of advocating specific goals for renewable energy use. The policy describes nuclear as “an important base-load energy source,” according to a 78-page draft obtained by Bloomberg News. The plan, the first update to the nation’s

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Search Zone Narrows on Signals Similar to Black-Box Pings

Investigators reduced the search area in the Indian Ocean for a missing Malaysian Air jet by almost two-thirds, a day after announcing ships detected pings similar to those from a plane’s black boxes. The Ocean Shield, which detected a pair of signals this weekend as it pulled a U.S. Navy towed pinger locator through water, heard no further pings, said

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Toshiba Supplies Renewable Energy Storage for Kyushu Electric

Toshiba Corp. (6502) supplied batteries to a Kyushu Electric Power Co. (9508) project on two remote islands south of the Japanese mainland that seeks to demonstrate technology to store energy generated from wind and solar power plants. Two- and three-megawatt systems using lithium-ion batteries were delivered to Tanegashima and Amami Oshima, the Tokyo-based electronics maker said today in a statement.

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