Tag: soc


The Third Most Popular Neware Tester

A few days ago, we posted the Neware best seller (BTS4000-5V6A) and the second best selling battery tester (BTS4000-5V10mA). Today, we are going to see which one is the NO.3. The third most popular Neware tester is: BTS4000-5V12A! There are many reasons. One of the reason is that BTS4000-5V12A has dual ranges: 5mA-1A, 1A-12A. Because the accuracy of the model

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How to realize dynamic SOC in Neware BTS4000

Firstly created on: December 1st, 2019 As time goes by, the battery capacity usually drops to lower level than rated values. So dynamic SOC is more useful than static SOC. Does Neware BTS4000 support dynamic SOC? The answer is yes, we’d show you how to get the real capacity of the cells. And you can download this dynamic testing profile

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