Why we need a dual range of output current, what are the advantage of the advantage of it?
1. The dual range will bring costs down for the customers. Our one device contains two ranges, but the sales price stay the same.
2. In order to make the measurement of output current more accurate, especially when the current is small.
For example, by using our most popular model of BTS4000-5V6A:
As you may know, the accuracy of Neware BTS4000 series the output current is ± 0.05% of full scale.
If the model is only one range, the accuracy of the output current is ±3mA (6A ± 0.05%). ±3mA is very lager influences when current less than 100mA. Extremely, we setting output current is 0.5mA, the actual output current is 0.5±3mA, it will be very inaccurate.
Therefore, the output current is the dual range in our model, and range switching is automatic. When current in the range 1(0.5mA-100mA), the accuracy of output current is ±0.05mA (100mA ± 0.05%). When the current in the range 2 (100mA-6A), the accuracy of the output current is ±3mA.
3. Because the dual range makes our testing range increased, it is specially fit for the current clients who need to do the fast charge/discharge test which is C-rate testing.
Which models have the dual range of output current in our Neware BTS4000 series?
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