Basic operations of BTSDA

BTSDA is a free software from neware, short for Battery Testing Systems Data Analyzer, it’s a software to cope with NDA files.

BTSDA provides brilliant data and curves rendering, and also some other functions like curve comparing, data filtering. 

In this article, let’s talk about the basic operations of BTSDA.

1) When you click any NDA format file or click View Data by right click on the channel, this will launch BTSDA to view this data file. The basic view of BTSDA is as below:

2)  Normally, BTSDA loads data only the last 20 cycles, you can set to load more by double click the bottom cycle axis, or use the arrows at the both sides of the axis to view other cycles.

3) Or even you can set the default loading behavior of BTSDA by the Cycle Layer setting from the Parameter Setting on right click menu in the data area.

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