BTS Client User Management

BTSClient provides you multi roles to operate this client. You may specify users in different User Groups to allocate different accessing rights to the BTS Client.

To access User Management, you should log as an administrator user(The default administrative account and password for the BTS Client is admin/neware). For non-administrator users, you can only modify your password.  

After you logged as administrator, you can access User Management by clicking User Management under User on the Main Menu.

You can add and delete a user group, and also allocate accessing rights to a selected group. And in User section, you can add users to a selected group. 

If there is nobody else to use this software or you do not need user management module and you are tired of entering user name and password.

You can edit the BTS.ini by changing [CLIENTMODE] MODE=2 to [CLIENTMODE] MODE=1, and next time when you launch BTS Client, you need no log to have access all the BTS Client functions.

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