BTS software: Key Files and Folders

Folders generated after BTS software installation completed are listed as below. If your computer functions only as BTS Client or BTS Server, there will only one such folder under NEWARE directory(if you didn’t change the installation directory, it should look like this “C:\Program Files (x86)\NEWARE\btsclient(btsserver)”). 


Meanwhile, you should still pay attention to following files: 

o  BTS.ini  in BTSClient  folder. This file specifies the configuration parameters of the client, like BTS servers connected to, step color, status color and etc. 

o  my.ini in BTSServer folder. This file is generated by MySQL, if you are not familiar with MySQL, leave it unchanged. 

o  BtsServer.ini in \Neware\BTSServer\bin folder. This file specifies the configuration parameters of the server. 

o  ibdata1 in \NEWARE\BTSServer\data folder. This is the data file which MySQL manages, storing all the test data. 

Above content is only for better understanding of our software. We highly suggest that these files or folders are maintained unchanged except you are guided to do so. 

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