Explanation of test steps in BTS software

As you many know, in Neware’s BTS software, you can set up testing steps for the battery tests you are going to perform. You’ll see the following screen shot when you are trying to use BST Client to start up a battery test.

In each step, you can choose from the drop down list one test item and configure the specific parameters you want to use. But what’s the exact meaning of all the step names?

Here is the official  Explanation of test steps in BTS software.

If you want to know something more about Neware’s BTS software, click this link to know more: https://newarebattery.com//services/application-examples/use-bts-to-set-up-test-steps

Step Type Description Controlled Parameters Jump Condition


Constant Current Discharge Discharging current Time / Voltage / Capacity / Energy
CC_Chg  Constant Current Charge  Charging current Time / Voltage / Capacity / Energy / △V
CV_Chg Constant Voltage Charge  Charging voltage Time / Capacity / Energy / Cut-off current
Rest Rest  –  Time
Cycle Cycle from step x to the step above for n times Cycle starting step ID, cycle number Cycle number
CCCV_Chg Constant current charge is followed by a constant voltage charge  Charging current, charging voltage Time / Capacity / Energy / Cut-off current
Power_DChg Constant power discharge Discharging power Time / Voltage /Current/ Capacity / Energy 
RI_DChg Constant resistance load discharge Discharging resistance Time / Voltage /Current/ Capacity / Energy 
Power_Chg Constant power charge Charging power Time / Voltage /Current/ Capacity / Energy 
CV_DChg Constant voltage discharge Discharging voltage Time / Capacity / Energy / Cut-off current
CCCV_DChg Constant current charge is followed by a constant voltage discharge  Discharging current, discharging voltage Time / Capacity / Energy / Cut-off current
SIM Load a drive schedule to perform simulation test Drive schedule file End of file or the specified end line
IF if…goto…  –  Voltage / Current / Time / Capacity / Energy / Temperature  Operators like
Record 3 kinds: Time, Voltage, Current for custom record frequency  –  –

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