Combine channels together for easier management operation

If you have many channels of the same Neware tester model under different devices, maybe you have to do the same job for the devices but to launch a same test.

Is there any way to simplify this action?

The answer is yes! You can map at most 256 (8 rows* 32 columns) channel for one virtual channel.

You can map channels under different devices to one virtual device.

Following steps tell you how to combine all the same channels on different testers you have together via BTSV, by doing this, it’s much more convenient for you to control all the same channels at one place.

1. Right click on the BTSV node from the left tree of BTS Client software, and choose the menu item ‘Set Comp Map’.
how to map channels in BTS

2. In the popup window ‘Set the device number / display’, choose the rows and columns numbers you want to have, generally the default values works for mostly instances.
how to map channels in BTS

3. Now you get the ‘Setting Map’ window, on the left side, listing all the devices are connected with the BTS Server (BTS Server is a hosted computer installed BTS Server software, which the same one server BTS Client connects with), middle section of the window is the virtual channels you can use to map the actual channels, right side of the window listing the virtual machines you are just now created. Firstly, you double click the virtual machines, then the virtual grids(channels) will show up in the middle section, following that, you expand the left side actual machines and you can see all the actual channels, now you click the right button in the middle section of this window, choose the menu ‘The Main Channel Default Mapping’, there are 3 options, you can choose any of them as you like.
how to map channels in BTS
how to map channels in BTS

4. After you finished the above mentioned 3 steps, you got the window just like the screen shop posted here. See? Now you successfully mapped the actual channels to the virtual channels, and the virtual channels belongs to one virtual machine you created, a virtual machine can support up to virtual 256 channels. And you can create more than 1 virtual machine!
how to map channels in BTS

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