Calibrate Manually (3) – Discharge Voltage

Discharge Voltage Calibration

Resistance  ≥ (2~10) X Full Scale Voltage(V)/ Full Scale Current(A) 

Power of Resistance  ≥ Full Scale Voltage(V)*Full Scale Voltage(V)*/ Resistance(Ω) 

Range of Constant-current source  ≥ Full Scale Current(A) 

Constant-current source have to execute two workstep,step current are10% and 90% of Full Scale Current(A)of the device. 

Step1. Select the right device and right channel under “device list” 

Step2. Select the DV-Seg1 to calibrate discharge voltage. 

Step3. Click “Run”, the machine will be calibrated at the first measuring point. 

Step4. Use a multimeter(here we use FLUKE 187) to measure the voltage of the resistance, input the readout after “Multimeter Value”.   

Step5. Click “Input”. 

Step6. Again click “Run”, the machine will be calibrated at the second measuring point. 

Step7. Again input the voltage of the resistance, input the readout after “Multimeter Value”.

Right click “DV-Seg1”and click ‘write channel KB(w)’to save the KB for DV calibration.

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