Detailed instruction of charge voltage calibration

Generally, there are 4 kinds of calibration of Neawre battery testing machines, Charge voltage, Charge Current, Discharge Voltage and Discharge Current, the calibration processes are all different. We begin with Charge Voltage calibration, if you get this one done, then it would be easier for you to handle the other 3 types of calibration.
For doing charge volate, you need a multimeter, a resistor, the proper resistor supposed to be greater than or equal to (2-10) x up-limit voltage of the machine/up-limit current of the machine, for example, if you are using a Neware BTS3000-15V3A, then the resistor supposed to be (2-10)*15/3=10-50ohm.
And of course, get our machine ready(power up).

Following picture tells you how to connect multimeter, test machine, resistance in charge volate calibration.

For a better reference, I took a picture of when I actually did the charge volate calibration, and remebmer: switch your multermeter to the voltage position, it’s supposed to look like the following picture:

After you hooked up all the wires, you can start up the calibration software, switch to English UI if it’s not, as I told you last time. Normally, the software will detect the neware machine connected with the computer(❷ you can see I’m working on a 5V3A machine), if not, click the search(❶)button on the toolbar to search the machine. After detected the machine successfully, the cali software will ask you to read the KB infromation from device, click ‘yes’.

The KB information looks like this, and leave all the other options default:

Click Run button() and input the multimeter value into ‘meter value'( ) and click the above ‘auto input’ button( ).

Then the value will be filled automatically and jump to the 2nd calibrating point.

Repeat the following step 1,2,3.

Then you can notice the following result:

Right click the above KB values, write channle KB to the channel you are calibrating(here I’m calibrating channel 4, so I choose channel 4).

And application will tell you, calibration successfully performed! Then you can calibrate other channels use the same method.

So far we finished the charge voltage calibration, hope you get it.

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