Hareon Solar Announces 3,350 MW Worth Of New Solar PV Projects

3,350 MW worth of new solar PV projects were recently announced by the China-based company Hareon Solar Technology.
The projects, which have all now been signed off on, are set to be developed throughout China and Turkey. In accompaniment to these deals, Hareon has reportedly secured financing from two large Chinese banks — altogether totaling RMB20 billion ($3.25 billion) in funds.
Without taking the new deals into account, the company’s total overseas project development pipeline through 2017 stands at around 6.27 GW. So once the new deals are factored in, that number will be pretty substantial. A large portion (3.3 GW) of the previous projects are being developed in Turkey — as with many of the new projects.
Among the deals is a particularly large one with the Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperative Central Union (TKKB) and the Swiss-based ILB Helios Energy to develop projects totaling around 2.5 GW over the next three years. The projects will be constructed on land owned by some of the TKKB’s 11 million farmer members.
The first phase of that partnership will see a “pilot” project totalling 300 MW developed. The planning phase on the pilot is expected to be completed later this year.
Other deals include a number with regional governments in China — these projects are divided amongst distributed generation projects and other “unspecified” PV projects, totaling somewhere around 700 MW.
100 MW are via an agreement with Chicheng Industries Demonstration Zone in Zhangjiakou City. Another 100 MW are via an agreement for a number of rooftop solar PV projects at Akagi Park.
The other 500 MW is via a deal with the Suihua City Industrial Park.

source: http://cleantechnica.com/2014/08/29/hareon-solar-announces-3350-mw-worth-new-solar-pv-projects/

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