EU-ASE Companies seek 40% Binding Energy Efficiency Target

The European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) submitted a letter signed by 49 member companies to European Council president Herman Van Rompuy, urging the council to set a binding energy efficiency target of at least 40 percent. The letter reads as follows: “In the coming days the European Council decision on the 2030 climate and energy package will be finalized. Despite a wide understanding of the importance of energy efficiency in delivering European security, prosperity and climate action, this is not yet been turned into a concrete and ambitious political commitment.

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“A binding energy efficiency target of at least 40% on final energy is a key element for delivering a credible European 2030 climate and energy package.

“At a time of competitiveness concerns and fears about the affordability of the package, energy efficiency offers a compelling opportunity to reconcile growth and climate needs. It also has the capacity to address heightened European energy security and resource scarcity concerns.

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“Competitiveness: recent Commission analysis shows a strong push for 40% energy savings in 2030 will deliver 4.5% GDP gains compared to only 1% GDP gains if a 30% target is agreed.

Lowering costs of climate action: Cutting greenhouse gases by introducing an ambitious 40% energy efficiency target could cut EU energy costs by as much as €1 trillion to €2 trillion during 2020 to 2030.

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“Reducing gas imports: recent Commission analysis shows that for every 1% increase in the EU energy savings, EU gas imports will fall by 2.6% – underscoring the very significant energy security benefits of a 40% energy efficiency target.

“The decisions you take over the shape of the 2030 climate and energy package will determine the future security and prosperity of European citizens for a generation to come.

“We urge you to move forward and turn warm words into action by putting in place a binding and ambitious 40% final energy saving target for 2030 – and put Europe on a pathway to truly sustainable growth, security and prosperity,” the letter concludes.


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