Ampere hours

Ampere (Amp) is the unit of current flow equal to one coulomb per second. Ampere hours(Ah), also known as Amphours, is the unit of measure used for comparing the capacity or energy content of a batteries with the same output voltage. For most batteries it defines the battery’s C rate. For automotive (Lead Acid) batteries the SAE defines the Amphour capacity as 20 times the current delivered for a period of 20 hours when the battery is discharged at 1 twentieth of the C rate until the cell voltage drops to 1.75 Volts.

Strictly, 1 Ampere hour is the charge transferred by one amp flowing for one hour, namely, 1Ah = 3600 Coulombs.

The true capacity of any battery is its energy content and this is measured in WattHours (Wh). It is the battery’s Amphour capacity multiplied by the battery voltage

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