

Scotland Aiming To Boost Wave Energy Industry

The government of Scotland is looking to boost the country’s still-nascent wave energy industry via the creation of a new organization dedicated to just such a purpose, according to recent reports. Ironically, reports of this development surfaced shortly after the Edinburgh-based developer Pelamis went into administration. Scotland’s Energy Minister Fergus Ewing revealed the plans to create “Wave Energy Scotland” over

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BMW i Ventures Investing In Smartphone Driving Analytics Startup Zendrive

BMW i Ventures — the venture capital arm of the BMW Group — has made an investment into the smartphone driving analytics startup company Zendrive, according to recent reports. By utilizing data and analytics gathered from smartphones rather that gathered via other means (OBDs), the startup aims to provide services to various companies and to make driving “better, safer, and

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IKEA Group Purchases 165 MW Wind Farm In Texas — Largest Renewable Energy Investment Made By IKEA To Date

The IKEA Group has purchased a 165 MW wind farm in Cameron County, Texas, according to recent reports. This marks the second time that the group has purchased a wind farm in the United States from Apex Clean Energy, and represents the biggest renewable energy investment made the group to date, worldwide. Given IKEA’s massive investments and leadership in renewable

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Dubai Shatters Solar Price Records Worldwide — Lowest Ever!

What a year this has turned out to be. To be honest, everyone expected solar to grow at a “good” pace. But the sector has outdone most expectations — taking the fight to the fossil camp at every possible chance. Here’s a quick recap before we delve into the big news. The year started with Recurrent Energy signing up a

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Utility-Scale Battery Storage Is Essential For Both Grid And Consumers

A new report by a Western Australia academic has underlined the importance of grid-scale battery storage, particularly as the penetration of rooftop solar rises to the point where baseload generation will no longer be needed during the daytime. That scenario could arrive soon. The report by Bill Grace – ominously titled Exploring the Death Spiral – looks at the WA

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India’s Solar Power Potential Estimated At 750 GW

India’s plan to become of the largest solar power markets in the world has received a massive boost as the latest estimated of its solar power potential. The National Institute of Solar Energy in India (pdf) has determined the country’s solar power potential at about 750 GW, a recently released document by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE)

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Electric vehicles move up among CA’s new-car sales

Electric vehicles, which registered nearly zero in statewide new car-sales as recently as three years ago, are now taking a noticeable market share, according to the latest quarterly report released by the Sacramento-based California New Car Dealers Association. CNCDA said 23,648 registrations of various plug-in hybrid models in California from January through September this year accounted for 1.7 percent of

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Most efficient electric cars: With zero gasoline and emissions, EVs are becoming affordable

The most energy-efficient car in the U.S. for the 2015 model year isn’t an unadorned “econobox,” but rather it’s the futuristically styled and sporty BMW i3 four-door all-electric hatchback that gets the equivalent of 124 mpg. While many remain prohibitively costly, the sticker prices of some electric vehicles now approach conventionally powered models, especially after deducting the one-time $7,500 federal

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“Islanding” On Islands: Microgrids Set To Bring Affordable Power To Remote Locations Worldwide

With over 1.3 billion people still without electricity and many more lacking access to reliable power, expanding access to energy remains crucial. Overwhelmingly, remote islands have relied on expensive and “dirty” fossil fuels for their energy. While this technology has helped in bringing electricity to millions, it is failing to meet the demands of consumers who require cheaper, cleaner energy,

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Finland Approves 40 MW Offshore Wind Demonstration Project

The Government of Finland has announced the construction of a 40 MW offshore wind project that will serve as a demonstrator to test the validity of offshore wind in the harsh conditions of the North. We don’t normally cover “small-scale” renewable energy development unless there is some defining factor that makes the project special. Normally those defining factors relate to

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