

Carbon Sequestration: Where Will All the Carbon Go?

It is becoming increasingly likely that our society will need to remove large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere in order to prevent climate change. The question then becomes: how are we going to store all of this CO2 that we remove from the atmosphere? The main approaches for carbon sequestration today fall into two buckets: geologic and biologic. Geologic sequestration involves injecting would-be CO2 emissions

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Fido Electric Scooter — Purity In The Basic Essentials

The new Fido, just back from travels to Milan, Italy, is positively capable, energetic, and simple. Fido beauty comes from its focus on the basic essentials of an electric scooter. This version of a sweet urban-friendly scooter is easily maintained. Its wheels are held in place by three bolts. Only five more split the rim so one has easy access

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Why The Netherlands Is Europe’s Hub For E-Vehicles

By Jan-Emile van Rossum. The Netherlands is among the countries with the highest electric vehicle market penetration in the world. As of August 2014, a total of 40,880 highway legal plug-in electric vehicles were registered in the Netherlands, comprising the second-largest fleet per capita in the world after Norway. It’s no wonder, considering the country’s progressive policies, affinity for innovation,

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Renewable Energy Now Scotland’s Largest Source Of Power

Scotland just keeps managing to surprise as, and according to independent trade body Scottish Renewables, it’s done it again, with numbers from the first half of 2014 showing that renewable energy was Scotland’s largest source of power. The figures showed that, for the first half of 2014, renewable energy generated 32% more electricity than any other single source of power

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Hybrid Energy Systems Key To Future Of Renewable Energy

As the spread of renewable energy generation continues and countries expand to allocate more resources to increasing the overall percentage of renewable energy generation capacity, more stability will be required to ensure that such technologies like wind and solar aren’t as reliant upon specific weather conditions. In line with this thinking, a new report has found that matching different forms

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Global Solar PV Module Capacity To More Than Treble By 2020

New figures released by GlobalData predict that the global cumulative installed capacity of solar PV modules will more than treble by 2020. The company’s latest report, Solar PV Module Value Chain – Market Size, Average Price, Market Share and Key Country Analysis to 2020, states that emerging economies in the Asia-Pacific region, South and Central America, and the Middle East

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Problems Of Tesla Owners

The life of Tesla owners can really be tough. There are a lot of problems Tesla owners face after getting the car. As an example, a Missouri lady on the Tesla Motors Club forum recently lamented that her husband keeps making fun of her while they are on vacation. I’ll let her own words explain: We’re on vacation and my

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Why Plug-In Hybrid Cars Are Not Gasmobiles

There are a number of EV enthusiasts who look down on plug-in hybrids and extended-range electric vehicles. Well, for anyone who really wants us to get off gasoline, and with the potential of existing 100%-electric cars, it’s hard not to be absolutist about it. But it’s important to remember that people who get plug-in hybrids get them because they want

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Shaping the future of energy storage with conductive clay

In the race to find materials of ever increasing thinness, surface area and conductivity to make better performing battery electrodes, a lump of clay might have just taken the lead. Materials scientists from Drexel University’s College of Engineering invented the clay, which is both highly conductive and can easily be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes. It represents

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How Expensive Is It To Manufacture A Solar Module Right Now?

Just how much does it cost to manufacture a solar module, as of right now? That’s possibly a question that you’ve asked yourself before, and it’s an interesting one. Of course, that cost varies based on where, and by whom, it was manufactured. Thankfully, the work of sorting and analyzing all of the necessary data has already been done for us,

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