

Li-ion batteries contain toxic halogens, but environmentally friendly alternatives exist

physics researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University have discovered that most of the electrolytes used in lithium-ion batteries — commonly found in consumer electronic devices — are superhalogens, and that the vast majority of these electrolytes contain toxic halogens. At the same time, the researchers also found that the electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries (also known as Li-ion batteries) could be replaced

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Single-Chip, Grid-Connected Signal Controller for IoT Applications

Semitech Semiconductor today announced its new SM2480. A single-chip, grid-connected signal controller, the SM2480 is ideal for solar inverters, smart lighting LED ballasts, home and building automation and other SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), and grid-connected applications. The SM2480 integrates standards-based universal N-PLC with analog signal monitoring, control functions and peripherals — making it the first chip to offer

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MCUs target Digital Power, Renewables and Automotive Systems

With the powerful combination of the C28x CPU and accelerators, the new C2000™ Piccolo™ F2807x MCUs fromTexas Instruments, Inc. (TI) boost execution speeds of control tasks in industrial applications such as telecom rectifiers, server power, solar micro inverters, frequency inverters and automotive HEV/EV. The F2807x MCUs also provide many analog and control peripherals to enable more integrated control applications. They

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Utilities and Clean Energy Advocates Find Common Ground on Distributed Generation

It may come as a surprise to some, but David Owens, executive VP of the Edison Electric Institute, and Ralph Cavanagh, co-director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s energy program, seem to have a lot in common. Owens leads the trade group representing the nation’s investor-owned utilities; Cavanagh is an attorney with an environmental organization that heavily influenced the new

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New Jersey Begins the Process of Deploying Grid-Scale Energy Storage

Grid-scale energy storage is slowly moving from its pilot-program phase to its early commercialization phase. And the slow road to commercialization at U.S. utilities comes in the form of requests for quotation and solicitations like the one just issued by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, which approved a modest $3 million competitive solicitation “aimed at encouraging the development

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E-bike experience makes living easy for rider

Five seconds into this week’s review, I knew I was onto something that could change my life. Or it might have been four seconds. That’s two seconds for the electric motor to kick in on the e-bike I was pedalling, and another two or three seconds for my brain to kick in and process what had just happened. Here I

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No excuses with self-charging bikes

ABOUT 27 years ago, my then-boyfriend (now husband) and I quit work, sold everything we had (not a lot), hopped on our bicycles (rudimentary, first-generation mountain bikes) and rode north from Cape Town. He, with his Dutch papers, was destined for Holland. At the time, my South African passport would only get me as far as Malawi. Not to be

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EV Revolution (& Fleet Workshop Tomorrow in Vancouver)

Electric vehicles have emerged from the garages of gearheads and landed in the nation’s auto malls. And though the numbers aren’t yet threatening the gasmobiles, the early adopters snapping up EVs have proven the cars a practical choice for many. While pure electric vehicles are not quite perfect for everyone on the road, those people who have gotten out there

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SolarWorld Wins $4 Million US Subsidy Despite Solar Tariff Tiff

It seems like only yesterday that the German solar company SolarWorld was leading the charge to pound China and Taiwan with solar tariffs for allegedly dumping cheap, government-subsidized solar cells on the US market. That action has touched off a slugfest among competing interests in the US solar industry, but apparently the Energy Department has stayed out of the fray.

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Set up your first test on BTS3000

Instead of giving you many pictures and texts, we offering you a clear, simple video tutorial for your reference. This is the COM port edition of BTS3000, from this video, you’ll know how to start up a test in BTS3000.