

Stem to Install 1MW of Networked Behind-the-Meter Batteries in Hawaii

Hawaii is facing some serious disruptions from its growing share of distributed rooftop solar, and it’s going to try Stem’s distributed grid energy storage as a solution. On Thursday, utility Hawaiian Electric announced it had picked the Millbrae, Calif.-based startup for a 1-megawatt pilot project on the island of Oahu. It’s a pretty small project, compared to the up to

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Nissan becomes first automaker in Japan to sell electric cars in China

SHANGHAI KYODO, BLOOMBERG – Nissan Motor Co. launched Wednesday a Venucia brand electric vehicle in China, becoming the first Japanese automaker to sell such an environment-friendly car in the world’s largest vehicle market. Nissan aims to take a 20 percent share of the Chinese market for electric vehicles by 2018, where it expects growth in demand for such cars in

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Li-ion batteries: new material multiplies charging capability

The battery is a result of the EiSiBatt research project that aims at developing a safe lithium ion battery technology. The anode of the new battery devised by the Siemens team is not made of graphite but instead of lithium titanate. For the cathode, the researchers replaced the usual lithium metal oxide another material, lithium iron phosphate. In addition, the

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Honda Pounds Another Nail Into Fossil Fuel Coffin

Honda announced some great news about wind turbine efficiency at its transmission plant in Ohio last week, which pretty much got buried under an avalanche of news about the massive new Gigafactory that Tesla Motors has in the works. Though the two projects are very different, they both demonstrate the new normal of distributed, renewable energy projects replacing central fossil

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Want A Nissan Leaf For Only $9,460? Head Over To The Netherlands!

Does the idea of buying a brand-new Nissan LEAF for only €7,450 ($9,460) sound good? Of course it does, and you can! If you live in the Netherlands, or Rotterdam to be specific, and are a business owner…. Still. That’s a pretty amazing price tag — one that’s due to large national and local government incentives. Said incentives, of course,

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A Smart Phone-Friendly Portable Solar Charger That Apple Addicts Can Luv, Too

We’ve been testing a few portable solar chargers lately and this nifty little “Sun Power Pad 3000″ cell phone and tablet charger from Secur Products has a couple of different features that we haven’t seen elsewhere (yet). The one that caught our eye is an input port so you can recharge the battery with a wall charger just like you

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EV Sales Up While Hybrid Sales Down

Auto industry analysts have been parsing the numbers from the first eight months of 2014, and there are lots of reason to be cheery. Yet, for whatever reason, analysts are making a big to-do about a small downtick in total green car sales, despite the fact that EV sales are significantly up compared to the same time last year. What

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Distributed Storage to Strengthen Grid Response in Hawaii

Stem, Inc. will deploy one megaWatt of behind-the-meter energy storage in a demonstration project with Hawaiian Electric Company to support grid response services. Stem will manage its advanced energy intelligence solution for commercial and industrial customers throughout Oahu. The aggregate portfolio of energy storage customers will provide additional grid capability during periods of variable solar generation and peak demand. Stem’s

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Controlling Every Energy-Consumption Node in the World

A Stanford University engineering team has built a radio the size of an ant, a device so energy efficient that it gathers all the power it needs from the same electromagnetic waves that carry signals to its receiving antenna – no batteries required. Designed to compute, execute and relay commands, this tiny wireless chip costs pennies to fabricate – making

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Batteries with Wire-Free Charging are goal of Energous and Highpower

Energous Corporation today announced a joint development agreement (JDA) with Highpower International, Inc. to jointly develop reference designs for WattUp-enabled Highpower batteries and various other fully-integrated solutions for consumers. In effect, end users would ultimately be able to make any device wire-free chargeable with WattUp-enabled batteries. “Highpower is committed to cutting-edge technologies,” said Terry Guo, Vice President of Highpower International.

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