

Why Owning Your Own Power Plant Might Not Be Crazy

It’s been three months since we released The Economics of Grid Defection exploring when off-grid solar-plus-battery systems could reach economic parity with retail electric service.  These systems could become competitive with retail electric service within the next decade for many commercial customers and for many residential customers in the decade thereafter. Since the release of our results, the industry has

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8-state alliance releases action plan to put 3.3M ZEVs on their roads by 2025

Eight partnering states released their Multi-State ZEV Action Plan as the first promised milestone for the bi-coastal collaboration to pave the way for increasingly large numbers of zero emission vehicles: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The partner states are California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and

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Tesla Stock Assigned “Junk” Status By Standard & Poor

After analyzing its potential for default, Standard & Poor, has designated Tesla stock as a B-, or “junk” rating. That’s the same S&P  that assigned “AAA” credit ratings to bundles of sub-prime loans that helped crater the economy in 2008, as well as downgrading America’s credit rating on the heels of a manufactured debt showdown by the Republicans. According to

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Want a Green Car You’ll Love?

“At Tesla Motors, we depend on everybody to be as creative and productive as possible,” says Paul Lomangino, the Engineering Tools Director at Tesla Motors. That emphasis on creativity is part of what’s made the Model S a shining example of American industrial design – but, as much fun as it is to be creative, the word “productive” also plays

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Scientists Pinpoint the Creeping Nanocrystals Behind Lithium-Ion Battery Degradation

Batteries do not age gracefully. The lithium ions that power portable electronics cause lingering structural damage with each cycle of charge and discharge, making devices from smartphones to tablets tick toward zero faster and faster over time. To stop or slow this steady degradation, scientists must track and tweak the imperfect chemistry of lithium-ion batteries with nanoscale precision. In two

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Cadillac’s Dud: Electric Hybrid Sales Tank

The individuals have spoken, and so they don’t need an opulent electrical automotive that is now not a Tesla. Common Motors has tried to beckon a an identical consumer with its hybrid electrical ELR. The version, which sports activities a retuned model of the Chevrolet Volt engine, can hit a high velocity of one hundred miles per hour and an

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2.8-Second Tesla Killer – Goin’ With the Flow – Technologue

Amid all the supercars unveiled at this year’s Geneva show was a gigantic 5100-pound, 912-hp AWD, four-seat gullwing EV hailing from the pocket country of Liechtenstein. It promised a 0-62-mph time of 2.8 seconds and a range of up to 372 miles, which sounded too good to be true — especially when described by its zoot-suited, architecturally coiffed chief of

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2014 Honda Accord Plug-In Hybrid Review by Carey Russ

I drove, and reported on, the Honda Accord Hybrid a few weeks ago. It was quickly followed as a test car by a Honda Accord Plug-In Hybrid. Which made for an excellent opportunity comparison, as follows. If you’re not a hybrid enthusiast, your first question is likely “What’s a plug-in hybrid?” Followed by “What are the advantages and disadvantages?” A

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NRG Energy Expands Portfolio of Professional Football Stadiums Equipped with Sustainable Energy Solutions

HOUSTON — NRG Energy, Inc. (NYSE:NRG) has received approval from the Harris County Sports & Convention Corporation’s board for a proposal to create a high-level sustainability master plan for the future of NRG Park as well as the installation of solar panels, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and energy-efficient LED lighting. These updates will make the newly rebranded NRG Stadium

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Could Solar Roadways Be The Answer We’ve Been Waiting For?

How do you like this idea: A road surface that melts snow and never needs plowing, never needs repaving or new painted lines but illuminates instead, pays for itself, and if implemented nationwide, could generate three-times more energy than the U.S. requires. Does it sound like such a good idea that it probably won’t happen? You may be right. Or

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