

Another Solar School Launches In UK

I’ve written about UK solar schools initiatives for years (see some links on bottom of page). Some have made quite notable progress. However, there are still a lot more British schools without solar power than with it. Now, Abundance Generation has launched a project that allows people to not only donate to solar panels for their local schoolhouses but to

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Tesla CEO Makes Smooth Drive Into China

I have to give my congratulations to new energy car maker Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) for creating the kind of buzz and excitement this week that only names like Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) and smartphone sensation Xiaomi have typically been able to muster. In the last 2 days, the company and its charismatic founder Elon Musk were all over the Chinese headlines

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Wind turbine movement can generate lightning

Under favourable atmospheric conditions any elevated structure can generate upward lightning flashes. Even aircraft can do so — in fact, height and movement are two of the factors that contribute to this phenomenon. The tips of wind turbine blades move at speeds of several tens of metres per second. However, no one had previously demonstrated the relationship between this movement

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Fiat 500e To Be Made Available In Oregon This Summer

The Fiat 500e — the best electric car of 2013, according to Road & Track — will soon be available somewhere other than California, according to recent reports. The “cute” little EV will be offered for sale in (at least) a couple of key Oregon markets starting sometime this summer. Given that the Fiat 500e is essentially just a compliance

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Renewable Hydrogen on the Big Island

The Big Island For the past five years, home for me has been on the northern end of the island of Hawaiʻi. For those unfamiliar with the Hawaiian islands, they consist of eight major islands. The biggest of these islands is the island of Hawaiʻi, also known as the “Big Island.” The Big Island has a land area of 4,028

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Do You Wash Your Solar Modules Often Enough

Figuring out how often to wash solar panels is more complicated than it might seem. Washing arrays too often can be a waste of money; washing them too infrequently results in soiled modules that reduce electricity production, and thus, the value of the project. Operators typically follow a simple, low-risk policy of washing once a year just before the summer

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Driven by Distributed PV, Grid Power Electronics Market to Reach $300M in 2017

Over the next four years, distributed solar penetration will increase by more than 300 percent in the United States, straining local distribution infrastructure in more than a quarter of the country.  According to GTM Research’s latest report, Advanced Grid Power Electronics for High-Penetration PV Integration 2014, secondary distribution grid control equipment, including power-electronics-based solutions, represents the most cost-effective technical solution

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Global 2013 PV Module Production Hits 39.8GW

After a two-year overcapacity phase that left a trail of crashing prices, financial losses, market exits and severely eroded balance sheets in its wake, the global PV manufacturing sector finally showed signs of recovery in 2013. As robust end-market growth out of China, Japan and the U.S. came into contact with a fitter, leaner supplier landscape, pricing stabilized, inventory levels

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first Mercedes B-Class Electric Drives Coming Off The Production Line

The highly anticipated Mercedes-Benz B-Class Electric Drive is nearly here — the impressive battery-powered vehicle is set to debut in the US in only a few more months. The first units have just begun to roll off the production line in Rastatt, Germany. Not a long wait now (unless you’re impatient, like me, that is). 🙂 For those wondering what

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How Japan Replaced Half Its Nuclear Capacity With Efficiency

After the Tohoku earthquake in March 2011, Japan was in a seemingly impossible situation. A tremendous amount of conventional generation capacity, including the entire nuclear fleet, was unavailable, and the country faced the risk of power cuts during summer consumption peaks. But miraculously, or seemingly so, in just a few short weeks Japan managed to avert the rolling power cuts

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