

Basic Type: BTS3000

BTS3000BTS3000 is based on Neware 3rd generation test equipment. It’s designed for cell, module formation, capacity and cycle life test, its output range is from 0V to 110V. BTS3000-5V3A/5V6A/10V3A are the star products of BTS3000 series, these low current products work extremely stable and accurate, some of these products worked continuously for more than 6 years in labs or universities.


Popular Choice: BTS4000

BTS4000 is based on Neware 4th-generation testing system, and was introduced into the market in 2008. It’s the upgrade version of the most popular battery test equipment series of BTS3000.
BTS4000 applies all the applications of BTS3000, plus EV battery pulse test, HPPC test and DCIR (direct current internal resistance) test.
Comparing with BTS3000, BTS4000 greatly improved the hardware response time, data acquisition frequency and result accuracy.


Advanced Type: BTS9000

BTS9000 is based on Neware 6th-generation testing system. It’s designed for battery material research, high-precision tests, pulse charge/discharge tests, DCIR test, and cycle life test.
As the most cutting-edge equipment for battery material research, BTS9000 comes with extremely high accuracy(±0.02% of FS), amazing hardware response speed(≤100μs), wide range of applications, high-speed testing data acquisition and many other industry-proven characteristics, it’s your ultimate choice for battery material research!


Simulating: BTS8000

BTS8000 for electric vehicle batteries simulating tests

BTS8000 is based on Neware 5th-generation testing system. It supports EV battery driving schedule tests, pulse charge and pulse discharge test, Cycle life test, and charge and discharge test with customer-defined rate.
One of the most outstanding features of BTS8000 is the driving schedules simulating, which allows the system to charge or discharge the pack by simulating the actual vehicle’s driving schedules in the laboratory. It supports all the DDS(Dynamometer Drive Schedules) from EPA, such as IM240(Inspection & Maintenance Driving Shedule), UDDS(EPA Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule), FTP(EPA Federal Test Procedure), HWFET(EPA Highway Fuel Economy Test Driving Schedule), NYCC(New York City Cycle Driving Schedule), etc.


Neware integrated calibration solution

Calibration, in general use, is often regarded as including the process of adjusting or aligning the output of or indication on the equipment to agree with value of the applied standard, within a specified accuracy. Neware Battery testing instruments generally output and measure current and voltage, and they have different circuits for charge and discharge. So we need to calibrate:

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Analogue circuit

Analogue circuit, also known as Analog circuit, is an electronic circuit in which an electrical value (usually voltage or current, but sometimes frequency, phase) represents something in the physical world.The magnitude of the electrical value varies with with the intensity of an external physical quantity. Also, an electrical circuit which provides a continuous quantitative output ( as opposed to a

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Problems in Estimating Battery Lifetimes

Determining battery lifetimes is beset with difficulties. Performance data are not generally available and costly to generate since large numbers of batteries must be tested to destruction. Furthermore, the required test period to verify the predictions is often greater than commercial decision lead time. Charge – discharge times for high capacity batteries are very long and using accelerated life testing

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Without wild pollinators, yields of food crops dependent on pollination could fall by 25-32%

A recent article by JRC scientists published in the journal Land has mapped and assessed the pollination potential for food crops at European scale. This helps estimate the contribution of wild pollinator insects to crop production and identify landscape areas in Europe with a deficit in potential pollination. Assessing large-scale patterns of the availability of pollination services and identifying potential

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Global CO2 emissions per region from fossil-fuel use and cement production

This is a chart from JRC. The September announcement of the Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), paints a grim picture of the Earth’s future climate system. Global surface temperatures likely to exceed 1.5° C and pass beyond the threshold of 2° C, with the worst scenario projecting an increase of up to 4.8° C compared to 1986-2005. Sea level

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Ampere hours

Ampere (Amp) is the unit of current flow equal to one coulomb per second. Ampere hours(Ah), also known as Amphours, is the unit of measure used for comparing the capacity or energy content of a batteries with the same output voltage. For most batteries it defines the battery’s C rate. For automotive (Lead Acid) batteries the SAE defines the Amphour

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