

Battery Testing Data Analyzer: BTSDA-20130914

BTSDA20130914, the newest version of BTSDA.  Chanelog: 1. One standalone executable program, easier to copy and run everywhere you want; 2. Minor bugs fixed.


Effects of Internal Impedance

A practical electrical power source which is a linear electric circuit may, according to Thévenin’s theorem, be represented as an ideal voltage source in series with an impedance. This resistance is termed the internal resistance of the source. When the power source delivers current, the measured e.m.f. (voltage output) is lower than the no-load voltage; the difference is the voltage

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Specifications, Standards and Hype

Batteries may be advertised as Long Life, High Capacity, High Energy, Deep Cycle, Heavy Duty, Fast Charge, Quick Charge, Ultra and other, ill defined, parameters and there are few industry or legal standards defining exactly what each of these terms means. Advertising words can mean whatever the seller wants them to mean. Apart from the basic battery design, performance actually

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Battery Testing Data Analyzer: BTSDA-20130717

BTSDA20130717, the newest version of BTSDA.  Chanelog: 1.Driving simulation report template for ATL; 2.Added work step control feature; 3.Added software version information in the channel info; 4.Refine the report export thread, now the report export function works better and quits safely; 5.Added transfer log; 6.Minor bugs fixed.



Charge-depleting or EV mode refers to a mode of vehicle operation that is dependent on energy from the battery pack. Battery electric vehicles operate solely in this mode. Most plug-in hybrids operate in charge-depleting mode at startup, and switch to charge-sustaining mode after the battery has reached its minimum state of charge (SOC) threshold, exhausting the vehicle’s all-electric range (AER).

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End-Point Voltage

Also knows for End voltage, Cutoff voltage, Final voltage. Specified closed circuit voltage at which a service output test is terminated. The Cell or Battery voltage at which point the rated discharge capacity has been delivered at a specific Rate-of-Discharge. It is also used to specify the cell or battery voltage below which the connected equipment will not operate or below

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Open-circuit voltage (abbreviated as OCV or VOC ) is the difference of electrical potential between two terminals of a device when disconnected from any circuit. There is no external load connected. No external electric current flows between the terminals. It is sometimes given the symbol Voc. Closed Circuit Voltage is the voltage across the terminals of a battery when it is

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BTS-ES: Neware brand-new energy saving battery tester

BTS-ES is the brand-new series of Neware battery tester, ES means ‘energy saving‘, this new battery tester series adopted the most advanced technologies, it’s launched with the full features of the Neware testers and specially excellent in energy saving. BTS-ES is based on Neware 6th-generation testing system. It supports EV battery formation and grading, Cycle life test, and charge/discharge test

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New BTS Server and Client package

This is a relative new version of Neware BTS Software, it includes the BTS Client, BTS Server and the .net framework run-time library, so the whole package is kinda big in file size, about 100MB. Click to download the BTS Server and Client package: BTS7.5.3_2013_05_27.exe There are 2 available languages for the installation, Chinese and English, it’s easier Neware’s international customers to

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Capacitors and SuperCapacitors

Characteristics Capacitors store energy in an electrostatic field rather than as a chemical state as in batteries. No chemical actions involved which means very long cycle life is possible. No limit on the cell voltage imposed by the “cell chemistry” as with galvanic cells. The terminal voltage directly proportional to the State of Charge (SOC) which limits range of applicability

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