Battery testing system for power banks: BTS-4000-6V4A-CCDC-USB

Battery testing system for power banks

Battery testing system for power banks(BTS-4000-6V4A-CCDC-USB) is based on Neware BTS4000, it shares all the main feature of BTS4000, such as 0.05%FS accuracy, 10Hz data acquisition frequency, based on Ethernet communication, etc.

In another way, as a testing system for power banks, it has its own special features:

1. There are 8 channels for each set, but as you can see from the above picture, each channel consists 3 USB port(1 standard USB port for charging, and 2 Micro USB ports for discharging, the maximum output current can be up to 4A, according to the currently popular power banks, normally there are 2 outputs Micro USB ports, one is 1.5A and another is 2.5A);

2. The best matched software for BTS-4000-6V4A-CCDC-USB is BTS7.5.3. And here are 2 example scripts for testing power banks by using BTS-4000-6V4A-CCDC-USB.

Tests operation notes of BTS-4000-6V4A-CCDC-USB need attention

1. For power banks charging step, generally use “CV-constant voltage charge”, and for power banks discharging step, please use “CR-constant resistance discharge”(for the 2A Port please set up the resistance value as 2.5Ω, and for the 1A Port please set up the resistance value as 5Ω).
2. When start up power banks tests, please don’t set up protection in the BTS software, cause mostly power banks have its own protection board;
3. For regular battery tests, the cut-off current is necessary for CV charge, but for power banks, because of its own protection board, so we don’t need to set up the cut-off current. In this case, please modify the value of CVCCHARGEMODE in BTS.INI to 1. Operation guide: Please close the BTS application firstly, go to the installation directory(normally C:\Program Files (x86)\NEWARE\BTSClient7.5.5) and open the BTS.ini file.
Locate the following segment and modify the value from 0 to 1.

Testing steps for power banks with power button
Testing steps for power banks with power button(long waiting time for you to switch on/off the power button). Download the power banks testing scripts, just for reference. Please double check and modify the current and voltage in the steps according to your actual requirements.

Testing steps for power banks without power button
Testing steps for power banks without power button(smart automatically switch). Download the power banks testing scripts, just for reference. Please double check and modify the current and voltage in the steps according to your actual requirements.

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