Where to find the BTS log data

When you are using BTS software, under some unexpected occasions, you may experience a problem which is requiring further information for shooting. Log files are such kind of information and you may be required to submit these files.

There are 3 ways for you to check the log file which recorded BTS Client operations and error outputs.

1. Right click on the channel in the main window, choose from the popup menu ‘view log’, and you have the log window, just as the following screenshot.

2. Locate the installation directory of BTS Client, normally ‘c:\Program Files (x86)\NEWARE\BTSClient7.5.3\’ and open the ‘logData’ folder, you can see all the log files with create-date in the file names. These log files actually are kind of text files, you can view them by windows notepad.

In fact, you’ll notice that there are several log files:

[date]Local.log: The log you see from the log window;

Backup[date].log: logs for db backup operations and errors;

BgsControl[date].log: logs for BTS Client operations and errors;

BtsData[date].log: logs for BTS Client operating database and errors.

3. Navigate to Package Log under Help on menu bar. This will compact all the files in BTS Client\logData folder, you can name the packed file and save it. When you met something wrong in the testing process and want aid from our technicians, package the log files and send it to us is highly recommended.

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