Gallery of BTS9000 in practical usage

Following picture gallery is Neware BTS9000 in practical usage, such as GSM test and other battery material research relative tests. All the pictures of data are actually screenshots of Agilent Oscilloscope.

BTS9000 is Neware’s sophisticated series for battery or material research solutions. It’s characterized by a data acquisition rate up to 1000Hz, an accuracy of 0.02% full scale and a minimum pulse width of 400us (microsecond) which can be utilized for GSM or other rapid pulse tests. 

{japopup type=”image” title=”BST9000 50Hz full sine wave” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BST9000-50Hz-full-sine-wave.gif”} BST9000 50Hz full sine wave {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 GSM test multiple cycles” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-GSM-test-multiple-cycles.gif”} BTS9000 GSM test multiple cycles {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 GSM test one full cycle 4.6ms” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-GSM-test-one-full-cycle-4.6ms.gif”} BTS9000 GSM test one full cycle 4.6ms {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 GSM test pulse width 550us” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-GSM-test-pulse-width-550us.gif”} BTS9000 GSM test pulse width 550us {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 Hardware response time less than 100us” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-Hardware-response-time-less-than-100us.gif”} BTS9000 Hardware response time less than 100us {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 High frequency high accuracy” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-High-frequency-high-accuracy.gif”} BTS9000 High frequency high accuracy {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 Minimum pulse width 400us” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-Minimum-pulse-width-400us.gif”} BTS9000 Minimum pulse width 400us {/japopup} {japopup type=”image” title=”BTS9000 Timing accuracy control less than 1us” content=”images/gallery/bts9000/BTS9000-Timing-accuracy-control-less-than-1us.gif”} BTS9000 Timing accuracy control less than 1us {/japopup}

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