Industry news


Where Can The Fossil Fuel Investments Go?

Fossil fuels have been a financial cornerstone for decades. More than $5 trillion is invested in 1,469 oil and gas companies and 275 coal companies. Dozens of public and private institutions are now divesting their money because of environmental concerns, strategic planning, or fear that their assets might become be stranded because of emission regulations. A Bloomberg New Energy Finance

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Politics Threatens World’s Largest Solar Power Project

An unpopular government’s legacy has become a burden for the new one, which could potentially lead to the scrapping of what has been planned as the world’s largest solar power project.The Rajasthan state government in India has reportedly asked the central government to scrap plans to set up a 4,000 MW solar photovoltaic power project. The state government claims that

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Will Washington State Buck The Trend?

Between 70% and 80% of California’s solar installations are leased from third party companies. This model has been reproduced throughout much of the US, but some Washington installers want to do something different. They believe that money raised from local taxpayers should be used to promote the growth of local solar initiatives. This puts them in opposition to large out-of-state

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Audi A3 e-tron from $60,000 – proving green is the new black

THE future has arrived for Audi. From March the Audi A3 Sportback e-tron will arrive, marking the beginning of alternative fuel options for the fast-growing luxury brand.Priced from about $60,000, the A3 e-tron will be armed with the latest plug-in hybrid technology in what will be the first of a new Audi breed.This dynamic little hatch loses nothing in performance,

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China’s Coal Consumption Has Finally Decreased

There may be a light at the end of the long dark tunnel: It appears China’s coal boom is over. Sources: Compiled from China National Bureau of Statistics and China National Coal Association statistical releases. While positive signs have been emerging from China for well over a year, it appears the ‘war on pollution’ is not just talk. According to analysis produced by

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Lights out in Belgium?

Three of Belgium’s seven nuclear reactors are currently down, and the international press is waiving the power outage flag for the upcoming winter. But the concern is, as so often, a bit exaggerated; Germany has plenty of reserves for its neighbors and will be happy to step in to fill the gaps, as it did in 2012 – even though

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100 percent renewable power investigated

he results of a three-year project investigating what a purely renewable power supply would look like have been published. The findings could be a roadmap for the coming years bar unforeseen technical breakthroughs. The visualization is nothing short of astonishing – see for yourself. And if you don’t speak German, you might want to use two screens, one with that

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Vestas back in the black

The Danish wind power leader increased its sales of 13 percent year over year, moving out of the red in the process, partly because of greater profit margins from projects. It may be a sign of a healthier global wind market.EBIT increased by 92 million to 104 million euros in the second quarter, with most of the profits reportedly coming

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Underlying assumptions in 100 percent renewable power scenario

Yesterday, I presented a guide to the new visualization of an entirely green power supply. Today, we take a look at a few of the main assumptions behind the study, starting with power generation.First, the bad news: I have been in contact with the makers of the study, and no English edition is planned. A budget of 1.8 million euros,

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Reforming solar energy subsidies

Recent paper on the situation in Australia suggests that a reverse auction might be a good way of replacing feed-in tariffs. What problem are they trying to fix? The paper itself is behind a paywall, and the author has not responded to my request for a review copy, so I will have to focus on my colleague’s Jesse Jenkins’ overview;

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