Energy Harvesting, GaN Power and DC Microgrids at Darnell’s Energy Summit

This year’s Darnell Energy Summit to be hosted in Richmond, Virginia, September 23-25, will feature several extended sessions and roundtable panels discussing the latest developments in Energy Harvesting, GaN Power Devices and 380Vdc Power. DES ’14 is a combined event featuring the Eleventh Darnell Power Forum (DPF ’14) + the Sixth Green Building Power Forum (GBPF ’14) + the Fifth Smart Grid Electronics Forum (SGEF ’14).

The Roundtable Panel session on 380Vdc Powering will start off with full technical papers including: Overall Industry Update; Standards, System Component Availabilities and Future Trends by Dave Geary with Starline DC Solutions; World–Wide Connector Standards and Product Updates by Brian Davies with Anderson Power Products; Development of Appliance Coupler for 380-Vdc Data Centers by Bob Thorton, President/COO, with Fujitsu Components America; and Worldwide Power Conversion and Product Update and Trends by BJ Sonnenberg with Emerson Power. The session will conclude with an open roundtable panel featuring those same speakers.

The Roundtable Panel session on Energy Harvesting will start off with full technical papers including: Multi-source Energy Harvesting Using Neural Networks by Christopher Green, Mechanical Engineer with the Naval Surface Warfare Center; Microsystem Power Components by Dr. Sarah S. Bedair, Electrical Engineer with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory; and Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensors by Rich Kapusta,Vice President with Alta Devices The session will also conclude with an open roundtable panel featuring the speakers.

The Roundtable Panel session on GaN Power Devices will start off with full technical papers including: Pushing the State-of-the-Art in High-Frequency Hard-Switching Converters using eGaN®FETs by Johan Strydom, VP Applications Engineering with Efficient Power Conversion Corp.; HV GaN, Just How Reliable is this New Material? by Carl Blake, Vice President with Transphorm, Inc.; 600V GaN Cascode Switches Drive Advanced Power Supply Topologies by Eric Persson, Executive Director GaN Applications and Marketing with International Rectifier Corp.; and Wide Band Gap Power Device Evaluation Challenges and Technologies by Nick Buonamico with Agilent Technologies, Inc. This session will also conclude with an open roundtable discussion featuring the speakers.

Darnell Group has also announced the Keynote and Plenary speakers for DES ‘14. The Keynote presentation on “Smart Materials Enhance Efficiency of Building, Micro Grid, and Alternative Energy Systems,” will be presented by Mary Doswell, Senior Vice President – Retail and Alternative Energy Solutions, Dominion Power. It will be followed by presentations from thought leaders across North America and Europe. Topics will range from smart materials for energy harvesting to next-generation materials for power semiconductors to micro grids and the smart gird.

Plenary Session 1 on the morning of September 23, will include: A review of Energy Harvesting Materials and Techniques, Dr. K. Mossi, Ph.D., Graduate Program Director, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University; GaAs Powering Forward, Bob Conner, CEO, Founder, Sarda Technologies, Inc.; GaN Transistors – Giving New Life to Moore’s Law, Alex Lidow, CEO, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation; and Aluminum-Nitride for High-Voltage Power Electronics, Baxter Moody, Director of Device Development, HexaTech, Inc.

Plenary Session 2 will follow in the afternoon and will include: Silicon-Carbide Power Electronics for Energy Applications: Perspectives, Targets, and the path to Applications through European Union SPEED Project, Dr. Daniel Fernández, CTO of INAEL Electrical Systems and coordinator of EU project SPEED; European Union DCC+G (DC Components +Grid) Project, an Update, Bernd Wunder, Fraunhofer Institute and BJ Sonnenberg, Emerson Network Power; Smart Grid 2.0: The Energy Internet, Alex Huang, Progress Energy Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University; and The Integrated Grid: Realizing the Full Value of Central and Distributed Energy Resources, Brian Fortenbery, Program Manager, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).

Darnell’s Energy Summit will be hosted in Richmond, Virginia, September 23-25. Save the Dates!


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