Fronius Announces Strategic Partnership with Tigo Energy

Fronius announced a strategic partnership with Silicon Valley technology company Tigo Energy. The partnership formalizes an already strong working worldwide relationship and defines a set of new products and services that will be showcased at Solar Power International in Las Vegas. The partnership leverages the strength of both companies, Fronius as a global leader in solar inverter power electronics in the United States and Tigo Energy as a leader in open-architecture MLPE platform. The Fronius FE Inverter Line with Cloud Connect technology inside pairs seamlessly with Smart Modules from Tigo Energy’s existing PV module partners to create an end-to-end solution with no extra boxes.

“Our decision to partner with Tigo Energy is a result of strong market demand for our collaboration and the industry’s push towards module-level power electronics,” said Thomas Enzendorfer, Director of Solar Energy of Fronius USA. “We believe that this strategy will provide enhanced safety, reduced cost of ownership and the most bankable solution for customers by providing both module and inverter control onto a single platform.”

“This is the strongest validation yet of our open-architecture approach to the module-level power electronics space,” said Zvi Alon, CEO of Tigo Energy. “Our platform enables module and inverter manufacturers to collaborate at unprecedented levels and drive new functionality not available before. To make any architecture like ours work it requires dedicated partners. With the Fronius collaboration our platform is stronger than ever before.”

The new Fronius FE Inverter Line features technology from Tigo embedded inside. This eliminates the need for Tigo Energy’s Management Unit hardware and gateway, creating a single-box solution for customers. The technology is embedded into Fronius’ inverter and leverages the Tigo communication backhaul.

The integrated product significantly reduces the cost and labor that was previously required for the stand-alone solution. Installers can utilize the optimized inverter with smart module equipment without having to procure, manage, or install any extra boxes.

This solution also leverages the strength of Fronius’ strong reliability, quality and support infrastructure to offer the easiest and most bankable service to installers and financiers. Combined with the service from Tigo’s Tier 1 solar module partners, the overall solution provides a simpler and more reliable customer experience.


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