Get to Know New Software in BTS9000

What you may get of the software altogether with BTS9000 hardware is on a CD-ROM, or a compressed package download from the URL we offer you. If you get a compressed software package, you’re supposed to uncompressed the software package to a directory before you install it.

Simply double click the executable file Setup.exe, the instillation process start up as the following picture.

Normally it starts with the Chinese language, you’d choose from the drop-down list and choose English, then you get an English installation user interface.

Following that, just as you did the same with hundreds of other softwares, click “Next” button and follow the instructions of the installation.

Normally, BTS software will be installed to “D:\Neware” directory (if there’s a logical hard drive D, if not, it’ll be “C:\Neware”), and you can choose the where to install the software as you like, but you’d choose the bigger hard disk partition, because all the test data will be saved in the same directory where the software installed.

You can install the “BTS Server” on a computer(we call it the server computer), and install several “BTS Client” on other computers(the client computers), all the test data will be saved on the Server computer, and Client computers connect with the server computer.

For mostly users and cases, install BTS server and client on one computer is enough, and later, when you are in need, you can install the BTS client on other computers separately.

In the installation process, it may warn you to install Microsoft office(mainly for data export to excel file function) and turn off the Windows firewall. 

After the installation finished, a configuration window will pop up automatically. In this window, you can set up:

TAB BTS Client: BTS Server IP Address, if there are more than 1 BTS Server you installed, fill the IP Addresses of the servers, otherwise, leave the BTS Client configuration alone.

TAB Barcode: Configuration of the battery bar-code, normally, just leave this alone.

TAB Build Test: Set up the color of work steps, you can choose different color for different tests, such as charge steps in green color and discharge steps in red color, set this up as you like.

TAB Cali: Cali means “calibration”, in this tab, you can set up all the parameters of calibration, such as the calibration report file path, the file format of the calibration report, etc. This tab is important and useful, you’d have a look and change the values if necessary.

TAB Log: All about the errors and warnings of the software, don’t change any value of this.

TAB Download: Important! We suggest you change the NDA exported file path to a directory you use often.

TAB Unit Set: Different measuring units you can choose to match your habit. Such as ‘A’ or ‘mA’ for current, ‘V’ or ‘mV’ for voltage, etc. Normally, leave this tab alone.

If you change any value of the tabs, click the “Save” button and close the configuration window.

After the configuration, A communication software WinPcap will be installed(it’s a safe, windows platform network communication package, please install it). And you’d choose the  in the installation process to make sure this service can start automatically.

After all of these above steps finish, the whole installation process completes, and you get the final installation prompt information as the following window.

From the Windows Operating Sytem “start menu”, in the group of “Neware”, click “Neware_BTS9_Client”, you can start up the BTS Client software, it’s supposed to look like this:

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