How to calibrate Neware BVIR

As time goes by, after a long time of usage, the BVIR may be not accurate as the beginning, then it needs to be calibrated.
We can use zero point and full range point to calibrate BVIR.

Step 1: Zero point calibration

Connect the two probes together(short circuit) like the following picture:
How to calibrate Neware BVIR
Press and hold ADJ button until 0.adj shows up on the screen, the BVIR starts zero point calibration. When the 0.adj disappears from the screen and the PASS green light flickers, it means zero point calibration successfully operated. If the WRONG red light flickers and beeps, means zero point calibration isn’t operated successfully.

Step 2: Full range point calibration

Use the two probes connect the 100mΩ resistor in the BVIR package box, press and hold ADJ button until F.adj shows up on the screen, the BVIR starts full range point calibration. When the F.adj disappears from the screen and the PASS green light flickers, it means full range point calibration successfully operated. If the WRONG red light flickers and beeps, means full range point calibration isn’t operated successfully.

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