Tag: industry news


Siemens and Duke Energy Demo Lower Cost Smart EV Charging

Siemens Energy Management Division has teamed with Duke Energy to demonstrate the results of an 18-month effort to reduce the cost and expand electric vehicle charging technologies. Held at the Duke Energy Envision Center in Erlanger, Kentucky, and utilizing a Ford Fusion Energi Plug-In Hybrid, Siemens provided the first Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved residential electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) to

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fliCharge Targets High-Efficiency Conductive Wire-Free Charging

fliCharge International Ltd. today announced the company’s expansion plans for its patented, conductive, wire-free charging technology. The fliCharge technology is the only interoperable wire-free charging solution that can simultaneously charge multiple devices on the same charging pad, no matter their power requirements or position on the pad. fliCharge, which in late 2013 acquired the wire-free business formerly owned by PureEnergy

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Can Solar Thermal Desalination Make Sustainable Agriculture Possible?

The jury is still out on solar thermal, which is certainly efficient but has its critics because of its costs, both financial and ecological. The International Energy Association (IEA) is still bullish about its future, and projects such as the Solana Generating Station in Arizona show potential. Large projects such as Masdar’s Shams 1 and California’s Ivanpah have scored plenty

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Renewable Energy is Outpacing Nuclear as Scotland’s Top Power Source in 2014

For the first time in Scotland’s history, renewables outpaced other power sources to become the country’s largest source of energy for the first half of 2014. An analysis done by the Scottish Renewables trade group shows that energy from hydro power, wind farms and other green technologies produced almost a third more power than nuclear, coal or gas during the

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Merrill Lynch Invests $70 Million Into Indian Wind Energy Company

Yet another emerging wind energy developer in India has secured investment from international investors as the country looks set for a wind energy revolution. Mytrah Energy recently announced that it had secured funding worth $70 million (₹430 crore) from Merrill Lynch and Apollo Global Management. The company has issued bonds to raise these funds a part of which will be

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Solar Cell Maker GCL-Poly Energy Sells Production Facilities For $1.3 Billion

GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited has debt of about $6 billion on its balance sheet which it plans to reduce by selling at least some of its production facilities of polysilicon wafers. One of China’s and the world’s largest solar power equipment manufacturers, GCL-Poly Energy [PDF], has announced its plans to sell seven of its polysilicon wafer and two ingot production

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New solar-powered invention can make sea water drinkable

The world is rapidly reaching global water crisis mode with nearly one billion people lacking access to clean potable water. But a new solar-powered invention by award-winning British company Desolenator can turn seawater into drinking water – and may turn this dire situation around in a hurry. Desolenator’s machine uses patented technology that can transform salt water and other un-potable

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Giant tulip-shaped solar plant to bring reliable energy to Ethiopia

Development in rural African communities is often limited by lack of access to reliable power – hospitals, schools and businesses all require a steady source of electricity in order to function. The government of Ethiopia just announced plans to address this need using the AORA Solar-Hybrid system. The AORA system is ingenious because it is modular and uses less water

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Turkey can produce own car, businessman says

It is “not difficult or insane” to produce a domestic car, Turkish businessman Ethem Sancak said on Sunday, adding that Turkey is indeed late to manufacture its own car. “Take a look at Far Eastern countries. Every one of them produces their domestic cars. European countries do, as well. Some say it is difficult for Turkey. Why so? Turkey had

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China’s low-speed electric car industry sees bright prospects

The low-speed electric vehicle industry in China is seeing bright prospects after China’s National Development and Reform Commission announced temporary measures for the investment and approval of electric passenger car makers on Nov. 26. New electric passenger car makers have to be registered in China and have over three years of experience researching and developing electric passenger cars, according to

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