Tag: lithium ion batteries


Organic Mega Flow Battery transcends lifetime, voltage thresholds

This flow battery uses a new organic molecule that outlives and outperforms its predecessors, offering the longest-lasting high-performance organic flow battery to date.  Credit: Eliza Grinnell To sustain human civilization in the future, clean energy sources must be harnessed to replace the fossil fuels that are now polluting our atmosphere. Solar and wind energy can supply all the necessary energy.

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Lean electrolyte design is a game-changer for magnesium batteries Chloride-free electrolyte and organic cathode boosted energy density, stability

Researchers have discovered a promising new version of high-energy magnesium batteries, with potential applications ranging from electric vehicles to battery storage for renewable energy systems.


Building a better battery layer by layer

Scientists are now closer to a thin, high-capacity lithium-ion battery that could open the gates to better energy storage systems for electric vehicles.


Nanotube film drowns out battery-killing lithium tentacles

Battery researchers are fighting battles on many fronts in their efforts to advance our energy capabilities, and one of those centers on dangly tentacles of lithium called dendrites. These form as a battery charges and quickly degrade their capacity, so scientists are coming at them from all angles in attempts to quash them. New research out of Rice University describes

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Making it crystal clear: Crystallinity reduces resistance in all-solid-state batteries

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology examined the mechanisms behind the resistance at the electrode-electrolyte interface of all-solid-state batteries. Their findings will aid in the development of much better Li-ion batteries with very fast charge/discharge rates. Designing and improving lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is crucial for extending the limits of modern electronic devices and electric vehicles because Li-ion batteries are virtually

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Super cheap earth element to advance new battery tech to the industry

Worldwide efforts to make sodium-ion batteries just as functional as lithium-ion batteries have long since controlled sodium’s tendency to explode, but not yet resolved how to prevent sodium-ions from “getting lost” during the first few times a battery charges and discharges. Now, Purdue University researchers made a sodium powder version that fixes this problem and holds a charge properly. “Adding

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3D-printed lithium-ion batteries

This LED bangle, including a lithium-ion battery, was made entirely by 3D printing.     Credit: American Chemical Society Electric vehicles and most electronic devices, such as cell phones and laptop computers, are powered by lithium-ion batteries. Until now, manufacturers have had to design their devices around the size and shape of commercially available batteries. But researchers have developed a new

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Scientists May Have Found What Makes Batteries Degrade Over Time

If you’ve ever used a smartphone for more than a year or two, you know that the lithium ion batteries degrade over time and refuse to hold a charge like they used to when they were new—but the reason why has been little understood. But research published today in Nature Materials could have a few answers. A group of researchers at Stanford

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