Tag: new energy news


Why Do Some US States Have Higher Rooftop Solar Installation Than Others?

Why do some states outperform others so much when it comes to solar installations? In an effort funded by the US DOE’s SunShot Initiative, NREL researchers used statistical analysis and detailed case studies to better understand why solar market policies in certain states are more successful and lead to higher distributed solar PV installations. The report can be accessed here:

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Daimler Expands Manufacturing Capacities for Lithium-Ion Batteries

The German manufacturing powerhouse Daimler AG will be substantially increasing its production capacity with regard to lithium-ion batteries over the next few years — with ~€100 million in new investments via the Deutsche ACCUmotive subsidiary. As part of this new push, the company is currently constructing a new facility that’s set to be completed by the middle of 2015, in

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EPA Power Plant Carbon Regulations Late, Hostile Congress Likely To Fight Them

The EPA regulations limiting the amount of carbon that can be emitted by existing powerplants may be the most crucial step forward in environmental policy made by the eight-year Obama Administration. But those regulations will apparently be late in arriving for public comment–and they face a notably more hostile U.S. Congress over the next two years. As Politico noted in

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The Top 10 Energy Storage Stories of 2014

There’s no doubt that 2014 was a breakout year for grid energy storage — and if the industry plays its cards right, it could lay the groundwork for a lot more breakout years to come. Over the past twelve months, we’ve seen the creation of some of the first utility contracts for distributed, behind-the-meter battery deployments at a mass scale,

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Tesla Battery Swapping, EPA Carbon Regulations, Another 2016 Chevy Volt Teaser: Today’s Car News

Today we’ve got news of a pilot program for Tesla Model S electric-car battery swapping, a delay for EPA regulations that would limit carbon emissions from power plants, and yet another teaser for the 2016 Chevrolet Volt electric car. All this and more on Green Car Reports. Tesla Motors’ battery-swapping pilot program will launch this week in California, with a

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Pacific Crest Securities Reaffirms Buy Rating On Tesla Motors (TSLA)

Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) shares were given a booster in the arm yesterday, after analysts of Pacific Crest Securities released a research note that reaffirmed their bullish outlook for the car maker’s prospects. The research at Pacific Crest was headed by Brad Erickson, who has given Tesla a $316 price target and an Outperform rating. Given its ambitious production and unit

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India Announces 1,300 MW Solar Projects To Support Domestic Manufacturers

Close on the heels of announcing Ultra Mega Solar Power projects of 21,000 MW, The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (India) has approved another scheme for installation of 1,000 MW of grid-connected solar power projects by Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) and government organisations. This capacity is planned to come up during 2015–2018, and will be supported using a “Viability Gap

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World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Announced By Kyocera

It’s barely been a month since we reported on the government of Kawajima-machi’s (Saitama Prefecture, Japan) plans to develop a 7.5 MW solar power plant on the surface of Umenokifurukori reservoir. And now Kyocera has announced a 13.4 MW floating solar power plant on the Yamakura Dam reservoir in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The company did not release any information on

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India’s Rolta Power Seeks Chinese Partner For Solar Cell Facility

With the Indian government’s plan to mandate use of domestically manufactured solar power equipment, Indian companies are now planning long-term investments in the manufacturing sector. Rolta Power is looking to partner with a Chinese technology provider to set up a solar cell manufacturing facility. The initial capacity of the facility will be 60 MW and will require an investment of

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DONG Energy Completes Divestment Of Onshore Wind Projects In Favour Of Offshore

Danish wind energy giant DONG Energy announced Monday that it had completed the divestment of its onshore wind energy holdings, allowing the company to now focus solely on offshore wind energy. DONG Energy agreed Monday to divest its shareholding in the Swedish onshore wind farm Storrun, a 30 MW wind farm which has been in operation since September 2009. DONG Energy sold

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