Tag: news


MIT Turns Dead Car Batteries Into Clean Solar Energy

When a car battery calls it quits, it usually ends up at a service station that disposes of it responsibly, because it contains toxic lead. A team of MIT researchers thought there might be something worth keeping, and now say they have successfully recycled materials from spent batteries to create long-lasting, clean-running solar panels. Recent solar cell research has included

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Scientists Create Thin, Transparent Solar Generator

Not many people think clunky solar roof panels are attractive, but we live with the unsightly installations because they provide clean, renewable energy. It would be better if solar power could be generated by nearly invisible means – say a thin, transparent film that lays on the screen of your cell phone or over the windows of your house. That’s

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Is free-space wireless charging viable? Dialog thinks it’s worth a try

Energous’ technology promises charging of devices such as Smartphones, within a room or within around 3m of a charging point, with no connections to the hand-held or wearable device and with no requirement to lay it on a charging pad or mat. Details of Energous exact technology have so far been sketchy, but the company says it is using the

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Volvo opens proving ground for next-gen car technology

AstaZero enables engineers to test their vehicles in a broad range of potential traffic situation. On an area of 2 million square metres, the site includes rural roads, a city area, multilane roads and a high-speed area for tests related to vehicle dynamics like avoidance manoeuvres at high speed. The site is encircled by a 5.7 km highway. The rural

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Renovo Unveils All-Electric Supercar With a $529,000 Price Tag

Silicon Valley-based startup Renovo Motors just unveiled one of the world’s most spectacular all-electric sports cars: the Renovo Coupe. The Renovo Coupe borrows its chassis from the Shelby CSX 9000 and it’s powered by a 500 horsepower electric motor and a 740 volt battery pack. But all that power doesn’t come cheap – only 100 units are planned for production

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Will Electric Cars Ever Be Practical?

I love electric cars.  I really do.  They seem to be the ideal solution to many transportation issues.  You’re not going to see any electric 18 wheelers or FedEx trucks but electrics are ideal for the consumer. They are relatively simple, silent and clean.  But they are still fraught with a batch of problems that keep them from going main

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Poachers Killed 100,000 Elephants in 3 Years Due to Skyrocketing Ivory Demand

Africa is experiencing a huge spike in elephant deaths due rising demand for ivory in China and other Asian nations. A new study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that poachers killed an estimated 100,000 elephants across Africa between 2010 and 2012. A decade ago 25% of all elephant deaths were due to illegal

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The Bizarre Way the Ivanpah Solar Plant Wants to Solve Its Bird-Killing Situation

What’s the world’s largest solar plant to do when its massive mirrors start frying all of the birds flying by? If the solar plant is Ivanpah, the apparent solution is to institute a sort of cap and trade system for bird death. Ivanpah’s owners have decided that in order to offset the number of birds killed by the Ivanpah Solar

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Toyota: Hydrogen Fuel Will Be Costly

Toyota is one of the most outspoken proponents of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, even ditching its partnership with Tesla Motors to focus on the Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle. But even with generous incentives, fueling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles won’t be cheap, with a full tank of the clean-burning fuel costing around $50, reports Ecomento. That’s what Toyota’s Senior VP

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In Solar Tech, Simple Solutions Outperform the Exotic

Recent news about improving the efficiency of solar panels often has focused on exotic technologies and materials. All of them show promise – otherwise they wouldn’t be news – but for now, at least, they can’t be built inexpensively and come to market quickly. It seems that many researchers have somehow overlooked simplicity. Not so for one startup, Semiprius, based

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