Tag: news


Electric Truck Maker Smith Vehicles Suspends Operations

Kansas City-based Smith Electric Vehicles has become the latest electric-vehicle building startup to cease operations–though the company says it isn’t shutting its doors for good. The firm builds electrically-powered commercial vehicles both in the U.S. and abroad, but hasn’t yet turned a profit. According to Kansas City Business Journal, the stoppage is a strategic move. CEO Bryan Hansel said the

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USGBC Launches New Online LEED Resource

Today, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) launched its new online data visualization resource that highlights real-time green building data for each state in the U.S. and Washington, D.C. The enhanced state market briefs — highlighting LEED projects, LEED-credentialed professionals and USGBC membership in each state — provide green building advocates and the general public a look into LEED’s impact

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Solar PV Standards — Differences Between US & The Rest Of The World

Most of us are probably familiar with differences between American electrical standards and those used in most of the rest of the world through personal electronics. Today’s laptop computers and phone chargers can accept either 110v or 220v so all you need to travel between regions is an adaptor for the plug. But it was not always so, and many

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Toyota Issues Green Bonds To Drive Efficient Vehicles

Toyota recently issued the world’s first “green bond” of asset-backed securities in the auto industry. The $1.75 billion bond’s net proceeds will be used to acquire retail installment sale contracts and lease contracts to finance new Toyota and Lexus gas-electric hybrid or alternative fuel powertrain vehicles. The bond has multiple tranches, each at a different (Moody) ratings levels: A2 tranche,

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Scientists Develop Coal-Killing Solar Cell Made From Tin

Weren’t we just saying that perovskite solar cells are the next big thing? Well, make that tin perovskite solar cells. Tin perovskite solar cells are suddenly a thing this week, with not one but two major new research announcements coming out of the US and the UK. The significance is not so much in the tin perovskite cells’ conversion efficiency,

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China’s Environmental Protection Law Amendments

On Thursday, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, approved major amendments to the country’s Environmental Protection Law (EPL), the first since the law was enacted 25 years ago. These amendments are a game changer. The original EPL entered into force shortly before I moved to Beijing in 1990. I recently found a journal entry

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Sustainable Consumption and the Global Environmental Crisis

In a series of discussions on Earth Day, I found myself returning to two 1970s reports by the Club of Rome: The Limits to Growth and Mankind at the Turning Point. While those analyses were weak on policy design, they did a thorough job of describing the interconnected set of problems that remain at the heart of the world’s environmental

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Solar Cooperatives Growing

While many people associate cooperatives with a place for hippies to buy organic food, the cooperative movement has actually grown far and wide, creating sustainable enterprises that generate jobs and strengthen local economies. Today, there are nearly 30,000 cooperatives in the United States, with more than 100 million members. From day care centers to hardware stores, cooperatives seem to be

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Multilayer, microscale solar cells enable ultrahigh efficiency power generation

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign use a printing process to assemble tiny cells into multilayer stacks for extraordinary levels of photovoltaic conversion efficiency. As an energy source, the Sun has always been a dependable provider. Although it freely shines on everyone, the ability to capture and convert the Sun’s abundant energy is anything but free. However, new

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Meet The Superman Of Wearable Energy Storage

You’ve heard of thin film wearable solar cells, and now a thin film, flexible battery is in the works. A team of researchers at Rice University has come up with a new lightweight battery that combines the flexibility of graphene with the high storage capacity of inorganic metal compounds. You don’t usually find that high flexibility – high storage combo

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