Use BTS Client without installation

In fact, it’s possible for you to use BTS Client without installation. Let’s go.

Firstly, we assumed that you have download the BTS Client from here:

As you can see, this is a MSI package, it’s another kind of compressed file, so we can unpack it and directly use the program.

Here is how.

Press Windows+R or launch the ‘run’ window from the start menu, and execute the following command line:

msiexec /a “d:BTSClient7.5.3_20130422.msi” /qb TARGETDIR=”D:BTSClient”

The 1st directory and file name is the location where you download and save the BTSClient program, the 2nd directory in the above command line is the place which you want to extract the package to.

By executing the above command line, you will successfully extract all the files in the BTSClient7.5.3_20130422.msi package to the folder you set up. (in the extracting process, the installation interface will show up for a while, just leave it alone).

Open the folder where the package BTSClient7.5.3_20130422.msi extract to, you’ll see a directory looks like this.

BTS7.5.3.exe is exactly the BTS Client executive program you are looking for, and BTSDA.exe is the tool for data analysis(click here for more information of BTSDA:

If you want to know something more about the files and folders of BTSClient, see this article:

Normally, when you launch BTSClient, the UI language is Chinese or something you can’t understand, choose the 2nd menu from the main menu and click the ‘English’ item, and you’ll get the English UI of BTSClient.


You are not supposed to carry the same way on BTS Server!! You should install the BTS Server step by step to assure it works properly.

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