Use BTS Client to set up battery test steps

Cycle life test is a traditional way to get the battery service life time.

If you want to have some advanced features, such as jumping to other schedules based on the situation of the battery, or want to test battery at various conditions (like temperature or humidity) based on a remote controllable environment chamber.

Cycle life test not only enable you to establish your battery’s longevity before failure, but also help improve it by identifying the weak points in the battery’s design, thereby focusing your improvement efforts only on the areas that need them.

Neware’s battery tester are all capable of battery cycle life test, depends on the battery type you are going to test or the voltage/current of the battery you are using, click to see all our products sheet:

Following is the typical testing steps you can set up in Neware’s BTS software which comes with the testers you purchased from us.

Of course, before the test, we’ll assume you have set up the testers correctly and installed the BTS Server and Client software correctly.

Step 1

Configure the bts.ini file properly. Normally, you only have to input the [DB] and [RPC] section of the bts.ini file. Under the [DB] section, you put the server IP Address after the IP1=, such as ‘IP1=’, if you have more than one BTS Server, then you can add more server IP Addresses in sequence, such as


And make sure the values in the [RPC] section are the same with [DB] section, such as:


Step 2

Launch the BTS Client and you will have the window showing as the following screen shot. You can noticed that there are 4 circled number marked out, let’s explain them a little:
1) The Server IP Address you set up in the bts.ini file;
2) All the testers belong to the type of the testers;
3) The types of testers, generally, BTS75, BTS76, BTS78 and BTS79 are the possible types that will be here;
4) The actual channels of the tester you double clicked on the left side of the window.

Step 3

Right click on the channel(s) you are gonna to operate, and choose the first item of the popup menu ‘Single starts’, which means you want to operate and start the single channel separately. And you’ll get the following window. Great! This is the exact place you are going to set up the working steps for your tests.
In each step, you can choose the step name, set the time, voltage, current, capacity, energy and many other parameters.
For your information, you can check up here for the explanation of the step names, such as CC_DChg, CC_Chg, CV_Chg, Rest, Cycle, CCCV_Chg, etc:
And in each step, you can set the safety limit, plateau voltage, Aux safety limit(if there are auxiliary channels).
The working step editor including in BTS Client is very powerful and flexible for editor all the possible tests as your requirements, it’s completely programmable and custom-able.
Of course, you can reuse the working steps for the specific tests you set up before, just load the working step file you saved and you are ready for the test.

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