

Driving Cycle Simulation in Neware BTS8000

Driving cycle is most used for dynamometer test on fuel economy at different conditions. There are many driving schedules or driving cycles issued by various agencies or institutes. They are basically a speed table as a function of time, and there may be road slope taken into account. You can check the EPA (U.S. Environment Protection Agency) website for more:

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Report generator in BTSDA

After you open a NDA file with BTSDA, then you can export the file to the format you want such as excel, pdf, txt. And you can generate and customize the report. Right click in the data area or use the Office Excel icon on tool bar, this will pop up the Data Export dialogue. As you can see from

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DCIR test operation in BTSDA

DCIR is a key parameter to the battery performance. To calculate DCIR, there should be 2 voltage values and 2 current values. DCIR or d.c. resistance is another key parameter to know a battery’s quality ( self-discharge, power characteristic, state of health). DCIR test is usually brought out in short time. So tester’s capability is critical to the testing result. If

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Comparative View in BTSDA

BTSDA provides also a quick compare for mass data. By clicking the ‘Comparative View tool’ on Tool Bar or Comparative View command under View on Menu Bar, you will see below similar  layout. Left part will enable you load more data files and select comparing mode. Right top part will show you the compared curves and the bottom show you the

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Curve view in BTSDA

BTSDA is a free software from neware, short for Battery Testing Systems Data Analyzer, it’s a software to cope with NDA files. BTSDA provides brilliant data and curves rendering, and also some other functions like curve comparing, data filtering.  In this article, we’ll focus on Curve view in BTSDA, there are some helpful tips for you to use BTSDA better. Following

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Use BTS Client without installation

In fact, it’s possible for you to use BTS Client without installation. Let’s go. Firstly, we assumed that you have download the BTS Client from here: As you can see, this is a MSI package, it’s another kind of compressed file, so we can unpack it and directly use the program. Here is how. Press Windows+R or launch the ‘run’

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Download the BTS software

No worries, we’d provide software and a user manual online. Software is here: And please follow the instruction here: Thank you.


Parallel Channels in BTS Client

Neware’s battery test Equipments support paralleled channels to increase current range. If you want to parallel channels, firstly select channels you want to parallel and right click, choose ‘Parallel Channels’ from the popup menu. This will combine the channels you selected as one paralleled channel.  And there are 2 things you should know about Parallel Channels: 1. ONLY inactive channels within the

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MAP Operation in BTS Client

Map, is an important concept and process in BTS software, because the channels you see in the testers are actual channels, but the channels you see in the software client, are the virtual ones. So MAP is the operation that connect the physical channels with the virtual channels in the software, so this makes it possible for you to test

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BTS software: Key Files and Folders

Folders generated after BTS software installation completed are listed as below. If your computer functions only as BTS Client or BTS Server, there will only one such folder under NEWARE directory(if you didn’t change the installation directory, it should look like this “C:\Program Files (x86)\NEWARE\btsclient(btsserver)”).  Meanwhile, you should still pay attention to following files:  o  BTS.ini  in BTSClient  folder. This

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