Industry news


A close look at lithium batteries

To better analyze the causes of malfunctions and premature failure of lithium batteries, researchers have developed a technique that visualizes the distribution of active lithium on the anode and differentiates between dendrites and ‘dead’ lithium.


New material could unlock potential for hydrogen powered vehicle revolution

An international team of researchers has discovered a new material made from manganese hydride that would be used to make molecular sieves within fuel tanks – which store the hydrogen and work alongside fuel cells in a hydrogen powered ‘system’. The material would enable the design of tanks that are far smaller, cheaper, more convenient and energy dense than existing hydrogen fuel technologies, and significantly out-perform battery-powered vehicles.


Backup Power System Combines Renewable Energy, Battery Storage, and Generator

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd. (MHIET), a Group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), has developed what the company describes as a “triple-hybrid” stand-alone power supply system that combines renewable energy such as solar power with a reciprocating engine generator and storage battery. According to the company, the triple-hybrid system enables optimal stabilization control. The system’s primary advantage is its

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Samsung SDI Develops New Lithium-Ion Battery

Samsung SDI developed a new kind of battery that has better energy efficiency than current batteries by 30% and is negotiating with automotive manufacturers. It is currently on schedule to mass-produce this battery by end of this year and it will be able to widen the technological gap between itself and Chinese and Japanese businesses by securing world’s highest level

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Nokia reveals 5G-ready lithium nanotube battery with 2.5X run time

True breakthroughs in the battery world are rarer than announcements might suggest, but sometimes a big innovation is as practical to manufacture as it is brilliant. That will hopefully be the case with Nokia Bell Labs’ latest invention. Working with researchers at Trinity College Dublin’s AMBER center, the company has developed a lithium nanotube-aided battery that promises to deliver 2.5 times the longevity of today’s best

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Toyota pushes ahead with solid-state batteries for future electric cars

Toyota has been slower to embrace electric cars than other automakers, but the Japanese giant may soon catch up. Plans to introduce more electric cars and a potentially game-changing battery technology have been accelerated, Toyota recently announced. A goal to sell 5.5 million electrified vehicles has been moved up by five years, from 2030 to 2025. Toyota’s definition of “electrified” includes

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The most complete study of battery failure sees the light

An international team of researchers just published in Advanced Energy Materials the widest study on what happens during battery failure, focusing on the different parts of a battery at the same time. The role of the ESRF, the European Synchrotron, in France, was crucial for its success. We have all experienced it: you have charged your mobile phone and after a short

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Battery Fashion: Scientists Weave Rechargeable Electronics Into Clothes

UMASS AMHERST Wearable electronics are nothing new, but the technology has been limited by the question of how to power them for long periods without toting around a bulky charge storing device. Not any longer. Thanks to UMass Amherst materials scientist Trisha L. Andrew, a battery can now be stitched directly into your lapel. Andrew and her colleagues have developed a

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The most comprehensive view yet of lithium-ion battery electrodes could lead to more reliable, long-lasting power for your smartphone or car, say researchers. The technology has been extremely slow to improve. While electric cars can more than handle the average American’s daily commute, the average gas-powered car can still go farther on a full tank of gas, charging stations are

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How Solar Is Conquering the Grid

ALFREDO ESTRELLAGETTY IMAGES We’ve known for a few years now that solar power is surging in the U.S. and the rest of the world: costs have been falling for a while and countries like the United States, China, and India have been building so many solar panels that solar was the world’s fastest growing energy source in 2016. But thanks to a recently-published report

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