BTS4000 and IGBT software tips


Super SV function(mapping channels of different units into one interface) of Neware BTS4000 software

Right click on BSTV node and choose 'Set Comp Map' menu item. Please follow the instruction of the above picture. Left side listed the channels of each machine/unit/cycler, right side are the virtual merge channels container. You can drag and drop all the channels to one interface, or operate them in a bulk/batch, and don't forget to save what you've
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Upgrade your Neware BTS4000 middle machine from version 80/81 to 82


How to change the Neware BTS4000 machine ID


Data copy function of Neware BTSDA

Single record/data or multi records/data copy function of Neware BTSDA. It’s easy for you to copy single record/data or multi records/data out of Neware NDA data instead of output all of it. You can choose only one piece of data or use CTRL key to choose many pieces of data as you want. You can tell this from the above screen-shot.


How to find out the mid machine and tester ID

Sometime when you have trouble in using Neware BTS, the technicans from Neware may ask you the mid machine or the tester device ID, do you know how to find out the mid machine and tester ID from Neware BTS software? Please follow the following step, it’s very easy. Above is the mid machine ID and tester ID for BTS3000(network edition)

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Careful using 0.1s or 1s data sampling interval for battery life cycle tests

For Neware BTS4000 client software, the default sampling time interval is 0.1s, which means the testing data will be recorded 10 times each second. For short time test, this default setting is good, cause more data more helpful for you to get more information of the batteries, right? But for long time battery tests, such as for battery life-cycle tests, this

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How to set up high frequency test script correctly?

For some customer, they’d like to use BTS4000 for high frequency(such as 500ms), so they’d set up a testing script likes the following picture: But when looking at the testing result, the data is not correct, please refer to the following picture, the current is very small or even 0. That’s strange, right? So if you want to use regular testing

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How to migrate BTS database to a new computer

For some customers, they’d like to keep all the BTS testing history data in their computers, but as time goes by, the data size becomes larger and larger, in this situation, they want to migrate the BTS database to a newer and better computer. How to make that happen? And if there are testing going on all the testers, could

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Easiest way to get the information of Neware BTS middle machine

When new customers try to connect Neware battery testers with their computer, the 1st question is how to tell the status of middle machine. Because the information of middle machine is very important, right? Middle machine is the bridge between testers and computers. If the computer connects with middle machine properly, and the testers connect with middle machine properly, then the

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Change views in BTS software client

By clicking the buttons in the following pictures, you can switch different views in Neware BTS software client.