BTS4000 and IGBT software tips


Operate BTS channels in a batch

Some customers asked us how to operate BTS channels together, such as how to start up tests together and how to export data all together. In fact, it’s easy. Please refer to the following pictures. Step 1: In the main working area, you can use CTRl+A to select all the channels, or you can press the CTRL and click the

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Can Neware BTS software be used for cell grouping or grading

Some customers asked us about the cell grouping or grading of Neware BTS software. Is it possible for the Neware BTS software be used for cell grouping or grading? The answer is yes. Neware BTS software can be used for cell grouping or grading and it’s not difficult to use. Please refer to the following screenshot, there are 3 steps for you to

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how to set up different record interval for each step?

This is a question from one of our BTS4000 customers. We found it very useful in our development to run a pulse charging regime. For example we loop 54 seconds of CCCV followed by 6 seconds of Rest. (The CCCV contains the exit condition) The functionality of the BTS4000 allows to do it. However- It collects too many records (two

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How to deal with DB Connection Failed when using BTS software

Here is a case from one of our customers. Let’s see his question first. I recently purchased 24 Neware BTS channels (16 5V1A, 8 5V6A) and am having a problem connecting the software to the equipment. I am using BTS and my Control Unit (with screen) has the label:Middle Machine Number: 10Middle Machine IP: IP: have set

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how to set up CVC test without current end condition?

For regular battery constant current charge tests,when you use constant voltage to charge the battery, the current flows into the battery becomes smaller and smaller as time goes by, right?There must be a point for you to stop the charge, the end condition of that point is supposed to be a very small current.That’s why for CV_Chg the end condition

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